Olivia Parkinson

Your target customers believe they can solve their business challenges without you. How do you reach those prospects and highlight how you can help? What are the best tactics to raise awareness of your brand but also educate your prospects on the importance, and often urgent nature to ask for advice to get things right the first time? These were the questions that Champion’s client, Go Instore, was asking when the pandemic overhauled the retail industry.  

Go Instore provides retailers with live video solutions to connect in-store product experts with customers shopping online.  

At a time when eCommerce was the only way for retailers to interact with customers, Go Instore needed to reach a global audience and showcase the benefits of utilising live-video solutions to increase sales, connect with customers and keep staff in their jobs. Furthermore, it needed to get the message across that attempting to go it alone or being too slow to invest in technology, was a disaster waiting to happen.  

To overcome these challenges, Go Instore enlisted Champion’s help to develop a tactical PR strategy. The results were significant – not only was Go Instore featured in national broadcast and newspapers discussing the biggest challenges facing the retail industry, but the earned media coverage directly attributed to Go Instore’s business growth.  

Read the full case study here: Rescuing Retail with Go Instore  

For more information on how we can help your business grow, get in touch at: letstalk@championcomms.com